Heres to 2018!


So.. We are one week in… How are you feeling?

Broken some New Year's resolutions already? Already put the juicer back in the cupboard? Not exercised quite as much as you thought you would? Haha yep! Me too!

It started off as quite a strange beginning to the week. I was struck with a nervousness. I felt anxious about the year ahead, about everything I wanted to happen. I was putting so much pressure on myself and forgetting that I was actually only 2 days in and its not all going to happen all at once!

Over the holidays I had time to think about what I really want out of 2018 and how I was going to go about getting it. With so many plans in my head, I then felt overwhelmed. With a quick text to the whats app group, I was assured I was not alone, and in fact it seemed everyone was feeling a little anxious about the year ahead. So why do we put the pressure on in the new year?

What is it about the clean slate which makes us feel like we have to fill the next year with the best possible us?

To try and rid me of this pressure, I put on “The Secret” and decided to make a vision board. I popped everything I want to happen in 2018 on the board so that throughout the year I can keep looking at it and keep visualising my targets. I also made a list of jobs and put them in priority order so that I have a bit of direction to start off with.

Instead of resolutions for the year I am doing monthly resolutions and targets to make it a little more manageable and a little less overwhelming. I know where I want to go this year but small and steady wins the race.

Resolutions for January

  • Keep a tidy room

  • Once a week of exercise ( more if I want to)

  • One video edit a week.

These are so much more manageable!! They say it takes 30 days to form a habit so lets hope by February these are already habits.

  Now let's start 2018!

