Clean and cleanse for your skin
Living in a city, or in fact anywhere can be tough on your skin, its time to clean and cleanse. Once a week I like to make time for me, to refresh, paint my nails, cleanse my skin, pop on a face mask and deeply moisturise with facial oil. I have recently discovered these products. The Sanctuary Spa Covent Garden polishing hot cloth cleanser and facial oil and L'oreal's pure clay detox mask and after using them once a week my skin has improved and looks super healthy.
Summer will come creeping upon us and before we know it we know it we will be shaving off our extra winter warmth we have grown on our legs and where ever else, baring our skin to the world.
I don’t know about you, but I have full on neglected my skin over the winter. Even though I try my hardest to keep it moisturised, smooth and sexy, barring any skin for even a moment more than I have to when its so cold outside and inside is just too painful and everyone knows you can’t moisturise and then put your jeans on straight away or you end up in a Ross / paste / leather pants scenario! ( love Friends- giving me life advice at all times!)
In winter I end up dry skinned and flaky, I literally flake on my friends all the time just to stay in the warmth. So I have been in search of a perfect skin routine to get my skin looking as good as it was last summer.
My me time
Legs. First of I start by shaving. Probably very obvious but very important. I then exfoliate my skin in circular motions, this increases the blood flow and helps to remove pesky cellulite as well as removing any dead skin hanging around. Win win. Nivea do the most amazing in shower motoriser. Which I wish I had found pre winter so that I could have kept on top of it in a warm shower rather then a freezing bedroom. You smother it over your body in the shower and then gently wash it off. It leaves your skin super smooth, baby soft and moisturised. I would say its my absolutely favourite product and a must have for everyone. Pick up your own from boots here For my face, I cleanse with the hot cloth cleanser, after the shower and steaming your face you can then use this moisturiser to add a natural glow and literally polish your face. This product feels like you are really getting rid of all the grime from the week... after then I then detox with the L' oreal detox mask, having always been a lover of a good peel off mask, I didn't think I would ever convert to a mud mask as I considered them too messy. When I use this wash off mask my skin feels so much better then the plastic peel off I would say I'm now fully converted! After my usual facial cleanser and mask I finish off by putting a couple of drops of this oil in to my hand and massaging in to my face. Although its oil it doesn't make my skin feel to oily and it sinks in to my skin well, I usually put it on once a week before bed, it drys quickly and I never worry about it leaving marks on my pillow.
These are now my go to products for ME. Try them out and treat your self to some pamper time.