My Positive Birth story - Humour appreciated
I wanted to share my birth story because I absolutely loved reading other peoples in the lead up to birth. It comforted me to read all kinds of birth stories which people found to be a positive and empowering experience for them and made me feel more relaxed and knowledgeable about what could happen on the day for me.
Disclaimer/ Background info
A bit of a disclaimer/background info before you start reading. I have a Bicornuate Uterus.. A heart shaped womb.. Which when I was told at my first scan I replied with.. Awhhhh so cute… shes growing in a heart!! Not realizing it meant I would be referred to the prem department to have bi weekly scans at the beginning of my pregnancy, to check the length of my cervix. Which at the time made me feel worried but after 4 of these extra scans everything was fine and I was discharged from that department. It was thought that I might have to have a cesarean because the baby wouldn't have room to turn so that was monitored as usual and the whole time I just kept very open minded about whichever the outcome might be but she did manage to turn in the end on her own accord so I had a vaginal birth.. Just thought that would be good to share because every Bicornuate Uterus story I read was a cesarean birth so that's kind of what I expected but it didn’t end up that way.
Known baby girl
8lb 11oz
4 days early
Born 39+4
Bicornuate Uterus
Vaginal birth on labor ward
1.35 hours established labor
Gas and air
Very fast labor!! Use of word contractions because its not a negative word to me
A False Start
I found one of the strangest feelings during pregnancy was the “it could happen any day now” feeling in the last few weeks. I was literally so aware of every slight feeling in my tummy and constantly wondering if something was about to happen. I had woken up in the middle of the night, having lost my mucus plug a few days before, to what felt like period pains, full of adrenaline and excitement. I had woken Tom and told him I think something is happening.. And we had then timed them for the next 4 hours…we had rang the hospital to say that I think we would be in soon, told our parents and Tom had messaged work to say he wouldn’t be able to come in.. I then managed to fall asleep and when I woke up they had gone..and they didn’t come back so we had to call everyone and say not to get too excited because it wasn't happening. Haha. I think this is what they call a “ false start”
The last picture before my waters broke that night
Waters breaking..
A few weeks later..
Due to feeling like I was constantly waiting for something to happen we decided to distract ourselves and headed off to my favorite antiques place, while we were there the people in the cafe asked how far along I was and joked not to give birth there because they only know basic first aid… we then went and did our weekly shop on the way home. While we were walking around sainsburys I felt tired and my tummy felt heavy. I thought something could be happening.. But as I had thought this everyday for the last few weeks I decided it probably wasn't and was probably more to do with the slightly heeled boots I had stupidly decided to fit my swollen feet in to that day!
That afternoon I had a very mild tummy ache.. I’m not sure if I would even call it a tummy ache actually. My tummy just felt odd.
That evening Tom went to play football and I joked that he should keep his phone on loud because I feel like something could be happening.
I snuggled on the sofa and watched friends and did some work, ate some prunes.. As I heard this could prevent tearing and ate some pineapple as I heard this could bring on labor.
At 10pm I took a paracetamol because I felt like I was having slight period pains and told Tom I was going to go to bed just in case something does happen later, I wanted to try and get at least a couple of hours sleep.
I slept on and off but my tummy kept hurting a bit and generally wasn't sure if something was starting or if I had eaten something that was disagreeing with me. Around 12:30 I went into the bathroom because sitting on the toilet felt more comfortable and then stood with my tummy on against the warm radiator when the tummy ache came around again.. Sheer laziness because I couldn't be bothered to go down and make a hot water bottle.. Thought I would save that for later until things really ramped up.. Because the tummy aches had happened a few weeks ago and then had faded out I felt pretty relaxed about it this time round thinking that it would probably just go away again.. I got into bed and thought that I better start timing the tummy aches just in case...
At 1pm just after a tummy ache I felt/ heard a bit of a pop… and then suddenly felt a warm sensation down waters had broken!! I can't quite believe how much water there was. I had read that only 10% of people's waters break with a gush so I really wasn’t expecting it. I jumped out of bed, waking Tom who was next to me and then just stood in the doorway of our room with water gushing out while fretting that I didn’t want to walk on our new carpet across the landing to the bathroom! I remember asking Tom to lay down towels like a red carpet for me and directing him which ones to use because I had just bought loads of new towels and got rid of our old ones and also didn’t want to ruin them! Haha . quick tip, keep old towels around which you don’t mind getting dirty.
Arriving at the hospital
Pretty soon after this, I was still sitting on the toilet trying to time and breath through the tummy aches which were now getting a bit stronger. When I got up I noticed there was quite a bit of blood, I kept wiping and there was more and more and a few large clots …I said to Tom this isn't right.. I shouldn't be bleeding. I took pictures of it all and rang the maternity triage and explained and they said to make my way in because it might be best to get checked out. Tom started packing the car and I put some clothes on and made my way down stairs. As we were getting in the car I felt a sensation to push but thought nothing of it,, thinking this was just how contractions felt. We made our way to the hospital and I can't remember much apart from Tom watching out for speed cameras and me trying to time the tummy aches still and holding my crotch and crossing my legs because it felt like the baby was going to fall out.
I couldn’t walk fast into the hospital because of the pressure I could feel. I had another tummy ache.. Ok.. lets just call them contractions or surges now because that's defo what they were but at this point I still felt like they were tummy aches and felt the need to push, I had started making noises with them too but again naively thought this was just all part of early labor.
We got to the reception at 1:50, I explained I had just called and was having some bleeding and also that I haven't felt the baby move for about an hour and showed the nurses behind the reception the pictures I had taken, they said said one looked slightly concerning, all the beds were taken at the moment but if we wait in the waiting room someone will be with us soon.
At this point I had another contraction and turned to tom/ bent over a nearby table and made a lovely noise.. I think its what they call a “mooing” And said..” I think I’m pushing.I can’t stop it” Tom said the nurses faces dropped and then the next thing I knew was we were being shown to a room.
I remember getting in.. kicking off my flip flops and bending over a chair while I had another one.
I was asked to get on the bed so they could take a quick look. I took off my joggers and pants and then after another one… Got on the bed. The midwife examined me and smiled and said “ you're 10 cm dilated, it's time to have your baby!!”
It was my turn for my mouth to drop.. I couldn't believe it!! I thought we would be sent home again after being checked, I had read positive birth stories about quick dilations and although I had thought ooo that sounds lovely, I never actually thought that would happen to me.
I just remember saying “ You mean.. It's too late for an epidural??”
Tom’s bruise of hitting in to the table lol!
After another one, I asked if I could take my top off whilst basically throwing it off. I just felt the need to be naked. I got on all fours and tried to stay as upright as possible as I had seen this position was good for labor and asked Tom to put my playlist on and find the speaker.. My friends advice pre labour was to get your partner to pack the labour bag so they know where everything is when you need it and in her words “ a faffing man during labour makes you murderous” lol .Tom and I had been through the hospital bag and I had shown him where everything is but watching Tom try and find this speaker, and bumping hard in to the baby table behind him, so hard it caused the nurses to ask if he was ok, while I was saying “its in the “mums stuff’ bag!!!!” made me laugh a lot as I thought about what my friend had said.
Speaker found, music on, lights dimmed. Birth plan which had “ humour appreciated” written on it right at the top because I was worried if everything felt serious it would spook me a bit, massage balls, essential oils, fairy lights, “please enter quietly” sign, crystals and everything else I did not need- still in the bag.
I was handed the gas and air which I began puffing on like a cigarette... I didn't realize you could breathe back into it so I was taking a drag, taking out the device and then blowing out like I was blowing smoke away from someone next to me.. Whilst thinking this is a right pain to use! Lol!
After a short while they took the gas and air off me to “ conserve my energy” although not sure how it was using up my energy.. Probably from my unique technique of using it haha.
The next part is a bit of a blur, I was asked to change position to help the baby make her way out and ended up on my side with my leg in a sturrup which wasn't my preferred way to lye in my birth plan… which was still in my bag unread but at this point I didn't care too much. I was comfortable..I had tom next to me and I just kind of zoned out
The midwives were brilliant, so supportive, kind and patient. One of them was holding the heartbeat monitor quite low on my stomach as they were struggling to find the baby’s heartbeat and ended up just holding her hand because it felt nice and soothing when the contractions came. I remember just saying “ sorry i'm holding your hand” and she was like “oh that's ok.. You do whatever you want to do. “
Its true what they say that between each surge everything just goes away and you get a break. It was nice to just change focus to whatever song was playing and have a sip of water which Tom constantly offered me after every push and after declining, 5 seconds later would say “ok water!”
Its also true that your body just knows what to do and you can’t help but push, it's like your body just does it. This is something I really focused on, “each tummy ache is one closer to meeting my baby” and “ my body is made to do this, it knows what it’s doing”.
I was so in the zone I really am not aware of who was in the room, a doctor came in to speak to us at one point because they were worried about heart beats or something and I was also aware of a big light being shone right at my vagina, and when they asked me if I wanted to feel the head which got a big fat NO! In reply! But apart from that all I remember is Toms face close to mine, his comforting words, water breaks and gripping on to his arm. It almost felt like the lower half of my body was somewhere else doing its own thing. There was no swearing from me, no panic, no screaming, nothing like what you see on the TV. I think the positive birth company hypnobirthing book really helped, we also did the course but I would say I found that everything on the course was in the book.
We accidentally left the lucozade in the car which I could have really done with ! Tom Suggested he could go and fetch it at one point to which the nurse replied you're not going anywhere!!!
The midwives helped encourage me to push and told me how to do it most effectively, channeling all my energy down rather than letting it out in sound, encouraging me to do each one for slightly longer if I could and then came… her eyes are out, her nose is out, her mouth is out… one more… which was the most amazing motivation to go for it when you are visualising your baby half out with just their eyes out… must be horrible for them ! haha
…and at 3:05 our baby girl arrived.
she was so swollen!!
Going home. absolutely full of adrenalin and munching on chocolate bikkies
Post Birth/ going home
I asked for delayed cord clamping and we had a good hour where she was on my chest, covered in a towel, crying. It was such a wonderful feeling. Mainly that I knew it was over and just so surreal that she was here! Although I couldn't quite see her face because I was lying down and didn't dare move haha.
One thing I want to mention too, because I hadn’t read, heard or been told about it and thought something was wrong, is the uncontrollable shaking after. I shook like I have never shook before and I just couldn't stop. It must be all the adrenalin and it really worried me as it felt like something was wrong but it was apparently normal and went away after a while….
Tom then cut the cord with what looked like some blunt nail scissors, which was funny to watch. I had no idea it would be so tough.
I was stitched up, and was back on that gas and air.. using it properly this time! I ended up with a second degree tear, which I was surprised about because I hadn’t felt anything so had assumed I hadn’t. We had a couple of hours all together, trying to take in what had just happened.. It was so quick it took quite a while for me to get my head round that she was actually here and had given birth.. I had done it!! All that build up and it was done! I was feeling overjoyed that I didn't have to have a catheter or needle put in my hand, which are the two things I was most worried about.. Priorities I know.. Haha.We had some of that hospital toast everyone raves about…overrated in my opinion, decided to delve into my snacks instead. after all I had brought enough for about 2 weeks so needed to make a bit of a dent in them! haha. I wanted to take a shower because I felt gross, the midwife said it might be more comfortable to put some pants, a pad, and my pjs too and helped me by getting them out of my bag for me.. I was like “ Thank you, the pads are just in my bag there” to which she pulled out one of my… 100s of tiny boob pads… looked at it with a funny look and said..” This isn’t going to cut it” … I was like “ no no the adult nappies are underneath!!” to which she looked relieved. Haha. still not sure why I decided to take a pack of 100 loose breast pads with me to the hospital. I think I thought after I gave birth my boobs would just be constantly squirting milk everywhere. Haha but they weren't. I tiptoed off the bed and felt how truly tender my body now felt but oh that shower was amazing!! Better than the toast anyway!
We called our families and the little one got all her checks.
We were then told if we were happy and comfortable too we could be discharged to go home, I was so happy as I was slightly dreading having to stay in the hospital by myself. We asked if I could just breast feed one more time with the midwives around just to check it was ok, as I had only done it once. She said,``Of course, there is no rush. I will leave you to it and be back in 5 mins in case you have any questions.. “
After she came back in, I said “ah I don’t think she was very hungry, she didn't seem to want any.
The midwife took one look at our baby and said in her familiar northern accent “ She's asleep, love.. She's not going to feed if she's asleep.. You've got to wake her up a bit… if you put a bottle of wine under my nose while I was asleep I wouldn't even drink it!!!” to which I looked down at my sleeping baby and realized.. Yes that made sense!..
Its amazing watching the midwives handle and move your newborn. We hadn't held many newborns so every movement was like she might break.. There was quite a contrast when the midwives handled her but it was brilliant for us to see.
By 9am we were ready to leave and make our way back home as a new family of 3… we couldn't believe it and after Tom spent an half an hour trying to get the car seat out of the car to bring in to the hospital to put her in… which he would like to remind everyone to practise doing this BEFORE you have the baby… we drove home. The most scary, surreal but amazing and happiest feeling I’ve ever felt. Walking out the hospital carrying this tiny human which is now my responsibility, not having a clue what we would even do when we got home.. I think we both just sat on the sofa staring at her for hours while she slept and it wasn’t long until Tom did our first nappy change. Just so unaware of how much our world was about to change in the most wonderful, challenging, unique way we couldn't have even imagined.
catching up on sleep
A few hours at home
A few days after… jelly belly.. the strangest feeling
day 8 .. Hormones kicking in…. 4th trimester is a whole other story! haha
cuddles all day long